해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hamilton Beach Custom Grind Electric Coffee Grinder for 4-14 Cups, One-Press Hand-Free Operation with Auto Shutoff, Removable Grinding Bowl For Easy Pour and Clean, Stainless Steel (80406)

상품번호 B0CNQ4BB67
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상품가격 $29.99
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EASILY SELECT GRIND SIZE AND CUPS OF BREWED COFFEE: Whether you need a fine grind size for espresso or a coarse grind for French press, we\'ve got you covered. Just turn the grinder\'s adjustable selection ring. Grinds enough to brew 4-14 cups.GRIND COFFEE HANDS-FREE OR MANUALLY: Convenient push-down operation allows you to activate the grinder with one press. It grinds coffee while sitting stably on the countertop and shuts off automatically. Or hold down to manually control coffee texture.EASY TO POUR & CLEAN WITH REMOVABLE BOWL: Because the bowl removes, it\'s easy to fill with coffee beans and to pour coffee into your coffee maker after grinding. The bowl is designed with durable stainless steel and is dishwasher safe.DURABLE STAINLESS STEEL PARTS: The electric coffee bean grinder has durable stainless steel grinding bowl and blades for long-lasting performance.GREAT FOR HERBS AND SPICES: With durable stainless steel blades, this coffee grinder makes easy work of grinding everything from coffee beans to herbs, spices and seeds.
The Hamilton Beach® Stainless Steel Custom Grind™ Coffee Grinder grinds coffee hands-free or manually so you can enjoy freshly ground coffee your way every day. Easily control grind size and cups of brewed coffee with the adjustable selection ring.

2024-10-02 18:09:50

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