해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Microphone Preamp Mic Gain Booster, 48V Power XLR Output for Dynamic and Condenser Mic

상품번호 B0CNRQ545H
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상품가격 $29.24
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HIGH GAIN: Mic preamplifier enhances your sound experience with balanced amplification circuitry with 6.5 single ended input gain of 22db and XLR balanced input gain of 27db, providing clean, transparent gain.48V PHANTOM POWER: Mic preamp is compatible with a range of microphones, including for SM7B, for 55SH and other popular . Comes with 48V phantom power for use with both dynamic and condenser microphones.LOW NOISE: Microphone preamp features a unique, fully balanced circuit design that produces ultra low noise and clean sound, ensuring minimal noise and adding no sonic coloration to your recordings.BLACK METAL CASE: Dynamic condenser microphone booster\'s black metal casing is not only rugged, but also low noise by effectively eliminating most EMC interference.COMPACT AND LIGHTWEIGHT: Microphone preamplifier is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry and store. Perfect for home studios and professional studios, recording, podcasting and live streaming.
Specification: Item Type: Microphone Preamp Material: Aluminum Alloy Color: Black Battery: Polymer Lithium Ion Battery (Built In) Capacity: 1000 MAh Input And Output Interface: XLR Dual Purpose Socket (Can Be Connected To The XLR Head, 6.5 Plug) Circuit: Balanced Amplification Circuit Gain: 6.5mm Single Ended Input Gain 22db, XLR Balanced Input Gain 27db Support: 48V Condenser Microphone, Dynamic Microphone Working Time: Dynamic Microphone Can Be Used Continuously For More Than 10 Hours, Condenser Microphone Can Be Used For About 3-5 Hours When 48V Is Turned On (Different Microphones Perform Differently, Please Do Not Turn On The 48V Switch When Using Dynamic Microphone) How to Use: Remove the product and connect it to the power supply PackageList: 1 x Microphone Preamp 1 x Sound Cable 1 x USB Power Cable

2024-07-09 12:59:36

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