해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Saddle Slink-E (Tribal, Made to fit Western Saddles)

상품번호 B0CNRZR84J
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상품가격 $65.00
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Cotton FabricElasticMade to fit Western Saddles
The "Saddle Slink-E" is a comfy and convenient accessory for long trail rides with your horse. It helps prevent saddle pinching and rubbing, while allowing riders to stay cool in shorts during summer rides. Designed for Western-type saddles, this product is made from soft cotton fabrics with elastic straps that make installation and removal a breeze (please message me if your western-type saddle does not have a horn because the elastic can be altered to accommodate your saddle or be eliminated if you saddle does not have a horn or pommel). This saddle accessory also helps protect your saddle from wear and stains, thanks to its removable pad feature. You can easily wash it in cold water by machine, then tumble dry on low heat to prevent wrinkling (remove promptly). The "Saddle Slink-E" comes in various patterns that are updated regularly as they sell. Contact the seller if you have any questions or if you want a specific fabric choice not listed. If you are wanting a custom Saddle Slink-E or fabric print, please place your order with the tab slated "Custom Slink-E or Fabric Choice" and contact seller with the details of the custom Slink-E or fabric print you are wanting. Each piece is handcrafted by an experienced rider who understands what other riders need. In summary, the "Saddle Slink-E" is an excellent investment if you want to enjoy comfortable trail rides with your horse while keeping your saddle protected from wear-and-tear and stains. Due to high demand, custom orders are taking approximately 2 weeks to make and ship. If you order is a custom order, I will keep you informed about your order along the way. Thank you for supporting my small business!!

2025-01-10 20:37:14

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상담가능시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일 10:00 ~ 17:00
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