해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
3 Pairs Titanium Stud Earrings Set, Hypoallergenic Women Earrings Nickel Free Earrings for Sensitive Ears Classic Dainty Girls Earring Studs

상품번호 B0CNT5RH46
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Girls
브랜드 Brand: BOGKU
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $12.34
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ASTM F136 Titanium Stud Earrings 1. ASTM F136 Titanium is a medical grade material, which is a higher grade material than 316L medical steel. 2. It does not have any adverse reactions such as infection allergies when we implanted into our body, and enjoys a very high degree of recognition in the international market. 3.Piercing products made of ASTM F136 Titanium materials are lighter, safer, and more beautiful, and are the first choice for high-end consumers. It has many advantages: durable and hypoallergenic, non-corrosive, lead free and nickel free. Resistant to rust, acid, alkali, no fading, no distortion. 4.For some people with extremely sensitive skin, we suggest getting our top grade of metal Grade 23 titanium earring studs. Hypoallergenic Stud Earrings Tired of looking for your earrings you took of last night or did one fall down the drain. Have sensitive ears that most earrings irritate? Looking to frost yourself or just want a little more attention from that special someone. These earrings are sure to help you shine as bright as you can. They are made of a high quality titanium that will never need polishing to stay as brilliant and shiny as the day you got them. Women\'s girls Stud Earrings 1. Suitable for any occasion, such as taking showers, sleeping, exercising, lightweight and smooth surface, suitable for long-term use. 2. CLASSIC DESIGN - Dainty simple heart earrings, never go out of style. The black women stud earrings are perfect for Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, Wedding, Prom, Party, etc.

2024-06-03 20:21:08

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