해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Triple Protection Crystal Stone Bracelets for Men, Natural Black Tourmaline Mens Bracelet Beads Lava Tiger Eye Bracelet, HASKARE Healing Bracelet Unique Christmas Fathers Day Bracelet Gifts for Men

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상품가격 $54.99
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TIMELESS & MODERN DESIGN: This triple protection bracelet seamlessly blends tourmaline, tiger eye beads, and lava rock, creating a fashionable accessory. It boasts a black "HASKARE" bead and a drawstring inspired by ancient Divine Guardianship, marrying ancient aesthetics with contemporary style. The uniquely cut Knight Shield protection Tourmaline crystal exudes strength and wisdom, making it a perfect fit for wrists measuring 18-19.8cm (7-7.79 inches).PROTECTIVE POWER OF TOURMALINE: Imbued with black tourmaline crystals, this bracelet acts as a traditional protective amulet, promoting a grounded feeling and repelling negativity. Its crystal composition aids in clearing energy blockages within the body or living space.CRAFTED BY SKILLED ARTISANS: The tourmaline bracelet\'s adjustable drawstring allows for easy length customization, ensuring enduring strength, comfort, and a hassle-free wearing experience. Painstakingly hand-cut by experienced craftsmen, keep the fine and natural sections of the gemstones are used, ensuring a product of exceptional quality.PERFECT GIFT FOR HIM: Elevate your gifting game with our meticulously packaged bracelet. Complete with a captivating brochure and a convenient pouch within an upscale jewelry box, it guarantees a delightful gifting experience. Ideal for occasions like Christmas, Birthday, Father\'s Day, Anniversary, and Valentine\'s Day, it can be worn alone or paired with other bracelets for a personalized touch.Dedicated to Your Satisfaction: At HASKARE, we prioritize your satisfaction. Our team is committed to prompt and dependable assistance, understanding that perfection is an ongoing process. Need any help, please let us know.

2024-05-16 02:02:41

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