해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Silk Pillow Cases 2 Pack, Mulberry Silk Pillowcases Standard Set of 2, Health, Smooth, Anti Acne, Beauty Sleep, Both Sides Natural Silk Satin Pillow Cases for Women 2 Pack with Zipper for Gift, Ivory

상품번호 B0CNTV68LS
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상품가격 $29.99
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【Fights Dryness and Acne】Silk pillowcases are made of high-quality silk fabric,rich in 18 amino acids,which are believed to effectively stimulate the metabolism of skin cells.So your skin will maintain the balanced moisture needed to form a protective layer.The more moisture your skin is hydrated,the less visible fine lines and wrinkles are【Protect Hair and Face】We spend third of our lives in bed - life can be refined if we turn our sleep into silky spa.Our pure mulberry silk pillowcase which Satin-finished has pearly sheen that provides smooth finish to your face and hair, allowing your hair to glide through, reducing friction by 45% and reducing facial wrinkles.It also protects your curly hair from tangles and gives it natural and healthy glow【Thermoregulator】Silk also has an inherent cooling ability, giving silk pillow case luxurious touch.Available all year round,natural silk regulates the heat,keeping you cool in hot summer and warm in winter.Natural silk pillowcase perfect for sleeping moments【Perfect Craftsmanship】Our DBKSLIK silk pillowcases are made with care for you,the sewing needle is 4 stitches / 1cm long,the stitches are neat and fine,strong and durable,hidden zipper closure design makes silk pillowcase perfect to hold your pillow overnight.No need to go around Moving around,the large opening and long zipper make it easier to place your pillow【Ideal Gift】Choose from a wide variety of colors and sizes,buy our products,and come packaged in a fancy envelope gift box.Silk is symbol of love and nobility and elegance,so silk pillow cases are ideal gift choices for birthdays,anniversaries, Valentine\'s Day,Mother\'s Day, Christmas,Thanksgiving,New Year\'s Day

2024-10-02 04:53:00

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