해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LE TAUCI Dinner Plates 10 Inch, Ceramic Flat Dish Set for Kitchen, Serve for Pasta,Steak, Pancake, Microwave, Oven & Dishwasher Safe, Housewarming Wedding Present - Set of 4, Arctic White

상품번호 B0CNVPV8Y3
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상품가격 $42.99
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Versatile Plate For You: Diameter: 10 inch. Depth: 1.4 inch.Each plate are large enough,can be used for stir fry, pasta, steak and other foods from dinner parties to garden breakfasts or simple snacks. With a higher lip that absolutely well for put food in the middle and keep your food from sliding off on to the tableAdding Handmade Style: Irregular edges, soft spiral lines, nice muted neutral color glaze plus the raw clay texture on the bottom, these plates bring a natural touch, and a really warm, peaceful look. With a simple yet handcrafted feel, each dish exudes a captivating charm,bringing rustic natural vibe to your housePresent Of Blessing: With its natural tones and soothing lines, the plate inspires and resonates with the desire for a peaceful and comfortable life. Give it to your family or friends in Thanksgiving, Christmas, housewarming or weddings, convey your heartfelt wishes to themMake For Healthy Living: LE TAUCI ceramic salad plates are quality approved stoneware, without food residue or odors. No lead and no cadmium for your healthy life. Chip-resistant and more sturdy! Dishwasher, Microwave And Oven SafeStackable, Less Space: Each plate is stackable and doesn’t take up cabinet space. Tips: The inner side is smooth and glazed, and the bottom retains the characteristics of ceramic clay that increases the friction force

2024-09-05 16:58:13

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