해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Eastwood Heavy Duty Folding Sawhorse | Holds up to 1500 lbs Capacity | 5 Way Height Adjustable Solid Steel Saw Horse | Portable Work Bench Design Folds Flat with Carry Handle | 4 Pack

상품번호 B0CNY6M4LR
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상품가격 $179.99
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Support up to 1500lbs eachHeavy duty powder coated steelHeight adjustable from 25 in to 40 inches | 38 inch support surfaceFolds flat for easy storagePortable with easy carry handle
Holds 1500lbs when you need it, folds and stores anywhere when you don\'t. Not only is this Sawhorse stronger than you are likely to ever need, it is height adjustable and folds flat to store in almost no space at all. Most Sawhorse max out at a few hundred pounds, but with two of these you could support things like an entire frame and chassis, a whole pickup truck bed, or the body of a car while the frame is being restored. Adjustable height legs mean its great for work at a matching the height of your chop saw, drill press, or bead roller. Use them for supporting hoods, trunk lids, doors, fenders. Specifications Support up to 1500lbs each Heavy duty powder coated steel Height adjustable from 25 in to 40 in 38 in support surface Folds flat for easy storage Portable with easy carry handle

2025-01-12 09:25:39

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