해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
hp Newest 15.6" Anti-Glare HD Laptop, Intel Quad-core Processor, 16GB RAM, 128GB SSD+ 128GB JVQ USB Storage, Office 365 1-Year, Up to 11 hrs Long Battery, Win11 S, Scarlet Red

상품번호 B0CP129FCR
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상품가격 $339.95
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【Storage and RAM】 Benefit from enhanced multitasking capabilities with 16GB of DDR4 RAM, which provides higher bandwidth for seamless performance. 128GB SSD+ 128GB USB storage, offering up to 15 times faster performance compared to traditional hard drives.【Processor and Display】 Harness the power of the Intel N200 (Pentium), featuring 4 cores and 4 threads with a clock speed up to 3.7GHz with turbo boost and a 6MB cache. he device features a 15.6" HD (1280 x 720) LED display with a brightness of 250 nits. The anti-glare feature ensures a comfortable viewing experience even in well-lit environments.【Office 365 for one year】 Get full access to Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access, and 1 TB of One Drive storage for 1 year.【Webcam and Operating System】 The device is equipped with an HP True Vision 720p HD camera with integrated dual array digital microphones, complete with a privacy shutter for enhanced security and peace of mind. It also runs on Windows 11 Home in S mode , providing a secure experience.

2024-04-04 18:36:36

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