해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Chrysanthemum Flower Silicone Mold Daisy Flower Fondant Cake Molds For Cake Decoration Cupcake Topper Candy Chocolate Sugar Craft Polymer Clay Gum Paste

상품번호 B0CP13CPPM
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: QDMOLDS
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $4.49
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【 Chrysanthemum Flower Mold】you will get 1pcs Chrysanthemum Flower silicone fondant molds. The size of each mold is different; Please refer to the picture for the specific size. With this Chrysanthemum Flower silicone mold, it\'s easy to create detailed shapes in exciting designs, Great for decorating your cakes. Really a time saver! enabling you to bring a quality to your work.【Safety Material】Flower fondant molds 100% food-grade silicone, Chrysanthemum Silicone Mold are soft and made of non-stick design, release easily after gently twist. Chrysanthemum Fondant Molds shapes popped out so easy, also it is easy to wash. This Daisy Flower silicone mold set can be used safely in ovens, microwaves, and freezers. Chrysanthemum Flower Chocolate Mold heat-resistant temperature range is -40 to 220 degrees Celsius/-40 to 445F.【Widely Application】: Chrysanthemum Flower Molds are perfect for DIY handcrafts project, sugar crafts, cake decorating, fondant, soap, chocolate, cake toppers, pudding, jelly, clay, etc. Chrysanthemum chocolate mold very suitable for birthday party, baby showers and first birthday party as well as graduation party, Christmas party, Easter Party, Halloween Party, cake decorations, etc. Chrysanthemum Flower Candy Molds is a good gift for friends and family.【Novel Design】:The Flower silicone mold is specially designed for people who like Chrysanthemum Flower. These Chrysanthemum molds can meet your various demand. Just pour the ingredients in the mold and wait until it is completely formed, take out easily after gently twist, the shapes popped out so easy, also it is easy to wash. you can have fun with your friends or family when baking. Chrysanthemum Chocolate Mold help bring your cake or cupcake decorating skills to a different level.【Ideal Gifts】: Chrysanthemum Flower Fondant Mold has cute design. These Flower chocolate mold for Yourself or as a Gift for Family or Friends, Its Elegant Style will enabling you to bring a professional quality to your work. You can enjoy the beautiful afternoon to decorate a cake with your friends or kids.

2025-01-07 10:49:38

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