해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Blahoo Baby Stroller for Newborn, 2 in1 High Landscape Stroller, Foldable Aluminum Alloy Pushchair with Adjustable Backrest. Bassinet Stroller(Gold Black)

상품번호 B0CP2711GK
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상품가격 $159.99
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Lycra【Outstanding Quality】The strollers have a durable aluminum frame that can be used for a long time in daily life and can hold up to 50 pounds for babies 0-36 months of age. In addition, the stroller is made of safe, non-toxic and breathable linens to give the baby a comfortable environment. Handrails and handles are made of PU leather,which is waterproof and non-dirty.【Reversible and adjustable stroller】Baby 2-in-1 reversible stroller can adjust the seat orientation so that the baby faces outwards to enjoy the scenery and the mother faces inwards to look after the baby.Stepless adjustment that mom can adjust to the most comfortable state using the compact stroller. The adjustable folding canopy make the stroller easier to use , making it an indispensable tool for mothers.【Safety design】All wheels of the foldable stroller adopt damping design, which is safe and reliable, and can run smoothly on various roads. The front wheel of the stroller can be rotated 360 degrees and can be adjusted arbitrarily. The one-step locking design of dual rear wheels improves the overall safety of the compact wagon. The seat is equipped with an adjustable five-point safety belt to prevent the baby from sliding off the stroller【Exquisite details】Double shock absorbers on both sides of the frame cleverly reduce the bump during the push.The removable large-capacity storage basket is a good helper when going out. Mom can put baby toys and various baby products without using another bag. The three-stage adjustable awning can be adjusted freely according to different weather conditions to protect the baby from ultraviolet radiation. There is a hidden window on the roof so that parents can pay close attention to their baby.【Easy to fold with one hand】 This stroller can be folded in one step in a short time with a light press, and it is convenient to unfold.The folding saves time and effort than ordinary stroller folding.If you have any question or dissatisfaction with the product, feel free to contact us, we will provide you with the best solution.

2024-04-04 19:34:08

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