해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DWVO Golf Hitting Mat 5×4ft Golf Mat with 4 Interchangeable Inserts 21MM/26MM Golf Training Mats Anti-Slip Bottom Artificial Turf Golf Practice Mats for Indoor Outdoor

상품번호 B0CP2F23WM
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상품가격 $104.99
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5mm magic tape high-elastic base: This 5 x 4ft golf htting mat boasts a sturdy 5mm non-slip EVA foam rubber base for stability on any surface and 4 interchangeable batting pads for practicing key swing elements at home. Includes 9 PU golf balls, 3 tees of different sizes, and 7 golf tees, suitable for all skill levels and agesLuxurious surface replacement pad: The tee grass of golf mats practice outdoor can be directly inserted into wooden pegs for use, which is convenient and precise and can be moved anywhere. Mat on rough surface, used for chipping, increases the touch feeling between racket and ball, helps golfers improve their skills and develop the ability to adapt to different grass conditionsSwing Point Surface Mat: Record your golf swing at impact, highlighting key aspects of corrective training; instantly identify and fix hooks/slices, rough/thin shots, and ball hitting tendencies. Grass surface: simulates the real golf course, reduces racket friction, protects the racket, and increases ball feelAnti-skid EVA base with impact absorption: The grooved rubber base prevents sliding, capable of enduring thousands of swings. The excellent cushioning ensures exceptional stability and shock absorption during practice, resolving slippery surface issuesFirst-rate synthetic turf: This commercial-grade turf with 16mm long grass features tear-resistant layers for enhanced durability. It also offers a fairway-like impact, which is ideal for any swing style and boosts confidence in your practice sessions
DWVO Golf Hitting Mat: Enhancing Your Golfing Experience. The DWVO golf hitting mat offers a realistic and consistent surface for practicing swings, protecting your clubs from damage, enabling convenient and cost-effective practice sessions, and providing various alignment aids to refine your technique. Whether you\'re a novice or experienced golfer, investing in the top-notch DWVO golf hitting mat will undoubtedly enhance your golfing experience and help you achieve your desired skill level on the course.

2024-02-13 11:45:58

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