해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
100% Mechanical Keyless Door Locks with Keypad Door Knob, Code Combination Deadbolt Lock with Handle, Front Gate Lock with Lever for Outdoor Fences, Auto Lock, No Electronic (Matte Black)

상품번호 B0CP3DL3M9
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Hardware
브랜드 Brand: ANNFUZ
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $64.79
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【Applicable Backset】Backset 60mm (2-3/8”) or 70mm (2-3/4”) are available. NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU BUY:We only supply 1*60mm latch in one packaging. * If you need to replace 70mm latch, please contact us before you purchase. *【Mechanical Keyless Entry Door Lock】 No batteries, power or wiring required. 100% mechanical structure provides a more stable and safer locking system. Reject complex and unstable electronic programming which is prone to failure. Keyless entry enables faster unlocking. No longer worry about forgetting to replace the batteries, or take the keys and being locked out.【Auto Lock & Passage Mode】 Automatic locking after closing the door. So you no need to worry about forgetting to lock the door and return to confirm. Better protect your home security. When Passage mode is turned on, the door lock with keypad becomes an ordinary door handle. No password is required to unlock in this mode, which is convenient for the situation of frequent entry and exit. Close this mode, the keypad door lock resumes automatic locking.【Long-Lasting & Durable】 This keypad door lock with handle is made of heavy-duty Zinc alloy. The surface is covered with the highest rating plating long-lasting product life, unlike the others powder painting ,it is very easy to peel off after installing in a very short time. Our plating makes it more waterproof, sunlight resistant and rust-proof. It is sturdy, weatherproof and very suitable as a front door lock set, or gate lock for outdoor fences.【Wide range of applications】Keyless entry door lock works with both left and right handed doors due to adjustable unlocking direction. And also suitable for indoor or outdoor wooden doors, steel doors, access doors with 1-3/8" to 2-3/8" (35mm-60mm) thickness, not applicable to glass doors Accessories can be shortened according to the actual thickness of the door. Before purchase, please confirm whether this door lock is suitable for your door thickness and the holes drilled before.【Easy to Set Up the code and Install】 Password combination of this exterior door handle set can be 4-7 digits composed of numbers or alphabet (no repeats), and be used in any order. *Codes with 4 digitals provide maximum security. *Always Press Button”C”before entering the code. Equip with detailed instruction. Please read carefully and installation will be simple and fast.【Perfect for】Home on door, Professional building public restrooms, any garage, Warehouse, Garden Sheds, Storage areas, Airbnb doors or gates, Apartment gates, garages, secured access areas, Section off areas of your property from unwanted guests, Section off high value areas in your warehouse.

2024-05-15 20:09:23

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