해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
UMIDIGI G5 Tab Kids Tablet, Android 13, 128GB, 10.1in HD+, 4+4GB, Sea Blue, Tablet for Child with Bluetooth, WIFI5, Parental Control, Dual Camera

상품번호 B0CP3S4JKJ
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상품가격 $149.99
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?【The Last Android 13 & 8GB + 128GB】The G5 kids tablet has 10.1 in HD+ Full View display screen, puts vivid colour on full display, and features 1280 x 800 pixel resolution. Support WIFI 5, Bluetooth, dual camera. you can expand the storage to 1TB of SD cards for storing photos, music and videos with additional micro SD card extensions. Powered with the updated Android 13, the UMIDIGI G5 Tab Kids can provide your kids with enhanced battery life, faster app loading time, better privacy controls.?【Parental Control Mode + Non-Toxic EVA Protective Case】 Safeguard your children\'s digital experience with our easy-to-use parental control. Set age-based content filters, educational goals, and screen time limits. Multiple accounts are supported, so each child can have their own personalized experience. High-density EVA protective case fully resists big drop & scratch,rest assured to let your children play with the UMIDIGI G5 Kids tablet.?【Pre-installed Kids App】The UMIDIGI G5 Tab Kids with Kids Park- a world of fun and learning! With Montessori, STEM, arts, crafts, English, Math, and more, your kids will never stop exploring. And with extra apps like Google Kids Space, Disney, PBS Kids, Nickelodeon, and HOMER, the possibilities are endless.✨【Your Eyes, We Care 】The G5 Tab Kids will open your children\'s eyes to a new digital world, without straining their eyes. The screen\'s blue light filter relieves visual fatigue, with eBook mode to offer a natural, paper-like readling experience, and posture alerts to remind your child tosit upright. Brightness alerts and bumpy road alerts provide an extra levelof care throughout the day.?【6000mAh Large Battery Capacity】 The 6000mAh Li-Polymer battery and low-power CPU that comes with the UMIDIGI G5 Tab Kids enhances your child\'s experience by providing up to 6 hours of mixed reading, watching programs and browsing. It is the perfect companion for your kids to play and learn.?【24-Month Warranty】UMIDIGI is a brand that focuses on product performance, design, quality, and service. We provide 1-year warranty and lifetime technical support. If you have any questions, you can contact us via email by clicking on the store name under the "Add to Cart" button on the product page and then clicking "Ask a Question" in the upper right corner.

2024-06-07 18:15:19

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