해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MeeFar Hitch Mount Cargo Carrier Basket 53" x19" x 5"+Waterproof Cargo Bag 15 Cubic Feet(51" x17"x 18"),Hauling Weight Capacity of 500 Lbs fit on 2 Inch Receiver with Hitch Stabilizer,Net and Straps

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상품가격 $149.99
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DURABLE BUILD - Tubular steel in black epoxy powder coating to promote high strength and a lightweight design. It is rated for 500 lbs.OVERALL DIMENSIONS - 53"(L) x 19"(W) x 5.5"(H). It also come with a waterproof cargo bag, cargo net and a pair of ratchet tie down strap, easy and safe to store and transport your cargo.STABLE ON THE ROAD - Heavy duty tubular steel construction and rails on all four sides provide maximum stability during travel. The hitch tightener emilinte the rattle while driving.EASY ASSEMBLY- Come with user manual, easy to assemble and use, it’s designed for vehicles with a Class III or IV 2-inch hitch receiver, including trucks, SUVs and cars.ACCESSORY INCLUDED - Basket, waterproof cargo bag 15 Cubic Feet (50.7" 16.5" 18.1"), hitch stabilizer (Reduce noise and movement while driving), Cargo net with attachment hooks. A pair of ratchet straps.

2024-07-09 16:16:00

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