해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BRIOTECH BrioCare Skin Care Set, Skin Renew Toner Spray 4 fl oz + Mineral Serum 2 fl oz, Minimize Appearance of Acne, Soften Lines, Tighten Wrinkles, Smooth Face Neck Chest, Gift Set for Men & Women

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상품가격 $28.99
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SOOTHING MIST – Skin correcting solution, scientifically formulated to calm redness, minimize imperfections, tone face and skin.RENEW & REFINE – A firming mineral serum formulated with Hypochlorous Acid that provides perfecting skin care relief for all skin types, sensitive and aging. Renew youthful tone, refine fine lines and wrinkles, and restore radiant skin. Gently massage into skin using fingertips or face roller and allow serum to rest and dry down.FIRST STEP – Apply to a bare face, before moisturizer, as the first step to your morning and evening skincare routine.HYPOCHLOROUS ACID – Globally recognized science based technology. Hypochlorous Acid is naturally produced inside the human body.CLEAN INGREDIENTS – Cruelty-free & Free of alcohol, oil, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, preservatives, talc, toxins, fragrance, and dye. Made from Electrolyzed Water, Sodium Chloride, and starring Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl).
Cosmetic mist to clear, calm, and clarify stressed, red, and blemish prone skin. Rebalance and minimize the appearance of acne, bumps, and pores. Firming mineral serum formulated with Hypochlorous Acid that provides perfecting skin care relief for all skin types, sensitive and aging. Renew youthful tone, refine fine lines and wrinkles, and restore radiant skin.

2025-01-10 10:34:34

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