해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cable Matters [Intel Certified] 80Gbps Thunderbolt 5 Cable with up to 120Gbps Bandwidth Boost and 240W Charging in Black - 1m / 3.3ft, Compatible with Thunderbolt 4, USB4, Thunderbolt 3 and USB-C

상품번호 B0CP8K1C59
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상품가격 $32.99
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Unparalleled Speed and Efficiency: Elevate your connectivity with Thunderbolt 5 technology that boasts data transfer rates up to 80 Gbps of bi-directional data transfer and up to 120 Gbps of video bandwidth, a substantial leap from the previous Thunderbolt 4 technology (up to 40 Gbps of transfer bandwidth). This future-proof Thunderbolt cable allows for the rapid synchronization and transfer of large files such as high-resolution videos and complex 3D models, ensuring minimal wait times and maximized productivity. Ideal for professionals and enthusiasts who demand the highest data throughput for their workflows.Universal Compatibility: Designed for versatility, this Thunderbolt 5 cable seamlessly connects with a wide range of devices, including all Thunderbolt 3, Thunderbolt 4, USB4, and USB-C equipment. Whether you are connecting to the latest laptops, docking stations, or high-resolution displays, this cable ensures you can build a flexible and efficient workspace with widespread compatibility.Dual 6K or 8K Display Support: Empower your visual experience by connecting dual 6K or dual 8K or triple 4K @144Hz displays, which provide stunning, detailed visuals that are crucial for graphic design, video editing, and other professional applications that require superior display clarity and detail. This cable is optimized for multimedia professionals and content creators who rely on precise color accuracy and sharp image quality for their projects.High Power Delivery: With the capability to deliver up to 240W of power and support for PD 3.1, this Thunderbolt 5 cable is a powerhouse for charging high-performance laptops, tablets, and other devices efficiently. Eliminate the clutter and hassle of multiple cables and power adapters in your workspace, as this single cable provides a high-speed charging solution alongside superior data and video capabilities.Robust and Reliable: Constructed with meticulous attention to quality, this Thunderbolt 5 cable meets Intel\'s Thunderbolt certification standards, which include extensive cable testing and quality audits. This ensures a reliable, stable connection every time you plug in, providing peace of mind and a consistent performance that professionals can depend on.

2024-10-02 10:46:10

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