해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ZTHY H-4886280P 4886280P Laptop Battery Replacement for Gateway GWTN156-11BK GWTN156 Series Notebook U3576127PV-2S1P U3576127PV U3576127 5080270P 2ICP4/76/127 7.6V 38Wh 5000mAh

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Specifications: Battery type: Li-Polymer. Color: Black. Voltage:7.6V. Capacity: 38Wh/5000mAh. New from Manufacturer. Up to 500 recharge cycles over the life of the battery.Compatible Part Number: H-4886280P 4886280P 5080270P U3576127 U3576127PV U3576127PV-2S1P 2ICP4/76/127.Compatible Models: Replacement for Gateway GWTN156-11BK GWTN156 SeriesSecurity: All ZTHY products are Certified by CE, and UL for safety. Strict guidelines for compatibility, and standards compliance for environmental safety.Note: If the new battery is not recognized during the initial installation, please reinstall and check if the interface is fully connected. Discharge the new battery to 10-20% (not 0%), then charge and cycle 3-4 times to wake up the new battery.

2024-09-05 10:02:22

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