해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Conical Burr Coffee Grinder 30 Precise, Coffee Grinder with LED Screen & Anti-static Device, Adjustable Burr Grinder for 1-12 Cups or 1-40 Seconds

상품번호 B0CPL2H8HG
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상품가격 $79.99
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【DOUBLE CUSTOMIZE & 30 PRECISE SETTINGST】The electric coffee bean grinder has a durable stainless steel tapered burrs minimize grinding heat, protect the essential oils in the beans, and produce an even grind for optimal flavor. 30 precise grind settings, from fine for espresso to coarse for French press, to suit your personalized brewing style. You can quickly select with long press and memory function.【DIGITAL DISPLAY & EASY CONTROL】AMZCHEF Burr Coffee Grinder is easy to operate.Coffee grinder\'s four-button design makes the grinding process very easy and fun.Espresso coffee grinder is available in two settings: 40 SEC and 1-12 cups adjustable. The clear digital display allows you to easily and intuitively adjust grinding time and grinding cups.【BLOCK-PROOF DESIGN & LARGE CAPACITY】Burr coffee grinder has a large hopper, so our burr coffee grinder is able to hold 11 ounces of coffee beans, storing enough beans to make several coffees, making it suitable for a large home or office. The coffee grinder has an automatic locking system, and the coffee funnel of the burr grinder prevents coffee beans from spilling, making it easy to remove, store and transfer coffee beans.【ANTI-STATIC TECHNOLOGY & EASY TO CLEAN】Anti-static technology keeps the coffee chamber free of debris, preventing coffee grounds from flying around and staining the work surface. The coffee bean grinder includes a cleaning brush that cleans the removable upper burrs, hopper and resealable dust chamber in seconds.【AMZCHEF Coffee Grinder Electric Warranty & Service】We want you to feel safe and no worries with your purchase,That\'s why stand behind our AMZCHEF Coffee Grinder Electric by offering you with 2-year guarantee of the motor and 2-year guarantee of normal accessory exchange and customer service after-sale guarantee.If you have any issues about the Coffee Grinder, please contact us first,we will provide the best solution as soon as possible.AMZCHEF Coffee Grinder is definitely your best choice.

2024-10-02 18:08:45

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