해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Aosom 24V 8.1 MPH Electric Go Kart, Drifting Car Battery Powered Ride on Toy Outdoor with Slow Start, Music, Horn Honking and Safety Belt, for 8-12 Years Old, Red

상품번호 B0CPS675W5
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상품가격 $259.99
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Real Drift Experience: Kids can quickly accelerate to 8.1 mph by pressing the pedal thanks to a potent 24V dual-drive motor. More speed lets little drivers maneuver this kids go kart to perform drifts.Enjoyable Driving: Our drift kart has a range of elements to keep kids entertained. The steering wheel\'s horn and music control buttons help create a realistic driving experience.All-Terrain Adventure: PU front and PE rear wheels ensure smooth rides on various surfaces, such as cement, asphalt, and brick roads, allowing kids to explore outdoor landscapes.Backrest & Safety Features: Equipped with a secure two-point safety belt and a supportive backrest, this electric go-kart for kids provides peace of mind. Soft-starting technology helps it start and stop safely, preventing your child from being startled by sudden movements.Drifting Go Kart Info: Overall Dimensions: 45.25" W x 30.25" D x 21.25" H. Seat Dimensions: 14.25" W x 7.75" D x 7.5" H. Suitable for kids 8-12 years old. Weight Capacity: 154 lbs. Certification: ASTM F963, CPSIA.

2025-01-12 01:49:15

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