해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JOYTUTUS Tonneau Cover Compatible with Wrangler JKU 4 Doors, JK Cargo Trunk Cover Tailgate Cover JK Accessories for 2007-2018 Wrangler JK Unlimited

상품번호 B0CPS976KW
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상품가격 $59.99
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【Perfectly Designed】Our tonneau cover is custom-made for Wrangler JK 4 doors and is compatible with Wrangler JKU. It comes with an instruction manual, a Wrangler JK cargo cover, and a storage bag for easy storage and transport【Upgraded Design】Our unique tailgate adsorption system design easily secures the Wrangler JK rear trunk cover to the tub rails, allowing easy access to your cargo area, and quickly attaches for maximum convenience. The sides of the Wrangler JK trunk tailgate cover are securely fastened with rigid plastic tub rail inserts【Waterproof & Sunscreen】Constructed with 300D elastic silk Oxford cloth, TPU film, and non-woven cotton, our Wrangler JK trunk cover is waterproof and sunscreen-proof. The light-proof design keeps your gear out of sight and prevents leaves and rocks from getting into your vehicle【All-round Protection】Our flip cover with velcro wraps around the roll cage to ensure that water, leaves, and small stones don\'t fall into the trunk through the holes in the roll cage【Easy Installation】Installing our Wrangler JK tonneau cover is a breeze and requires no additional tools. Secure the metal hooks, and slide the tub rail inserts into place, the tailgate adsorption system attaches to the tub rails, and wrap the flap around the roll cage

2024-10-31 23:57:27

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