해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JOANLAB Overhead Stirrer 20L 20000 mPas Digital Overhead Mixer Lab Stirrer w/Stirring Rods 100-2000RPM Timing 1min-24h (Without Stand)

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상품가격 $238.00
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JOANLAB Digital Overhead Stirrer:Excellent corrosion resistance .Brushless DC motors with low noise for high safety and maintenance-free.Equipped with two mixing paddles to meet your different needs.Self-lock drill chuck design,easy operationPrecise Digital Control/ Timing Function:Competent for high-load and long-term continuous work with outstanding performance.The range of rotate speed is 200-3000 rpm and time range is 0-999min.The LCD displays the set and actual speed values and can monitor the speed and time in real time. With a power rating of 50W,a torque of 40N.cmWide Application:This overhead stirrer mixer with max viscosity up to 30,000mPa·s can mix the liquid with the high viscosity, like lotion,honey. Torque can be adjusted automatically based on the changes of sample viscosity. Capacity reach up tp 20L,it is widely applied to laboratories,medical reseaech,university,food industries,petroleum,chemical and so on.Overload protection: It will automatically stop in case of overload to ensure safe operation.Prevention of sample overflow: It is started smoothly, which can effectively prevent the sample from overflowing.Safety circuit setting: The circuit is automatically shut off in case of an abnormal condition to ensure user safety.DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER : JOANLAB is a manufacturer which has many years experience in the field of lab products. No middlemen . We back the electric overhead stirrer with a 1 Year Warranty.

2024-04-04 18:50:57

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