해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
THELANDA Genuine Moissanite or Simulated Diamond Sterling Silver 13mm Wide Two Stone Bonded Together in Love Promise Wedding Ring

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상품가격 $85.99
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With a legacy spanning back to 1990, we are dedicated to crafting the finest wedding, promise, and engagement rings that become cherished memories for a lifetime. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this exquisite ring combines high-quality materials and inspired design to capture the essence of your love story. At THELANDA, we offer a comprehensive range of beautifully crafted rings, earrings, necklaces and so on. Our commitment to excellence shines through every treasured piece that passes through our workshop. We understand the value of your fine quality jewelry and want it to last a lifetime. Follow these excellent tips to care for your precious jewelry: Always: Apply lotion, cosmetics, hairspray, and perfume before putting on your jewelry. Use a clean, soft cloth to wipe each piece when undressing to remove oils and perspiration. Store your jewelry in a fabric-lined box, keeping them separate or individually wrapped in tissue to prevent scratches. Never: Wear jewelry during physical activities like housekeeping, gardening, or exercise. Expose your jewelry to household cleaning products. Allow your jewelry to come into contact with chlorine swimming pools or hot tubs. Tips for Cleaning: Use a soft brush to remove dirt or particles, avoiding sharp or hard objects. Clean your jewelry regularly as lotions, soaps, and skin oils can dull the appearance of diamonds and gemstones. Clean diamond jewelry with a soft brush dipped in warm water and mild detergent, then rinse under running water. Store each piece in a soft bag to protect it. Experience timeless elegance with the beautiful fine jewelry from THELANDA. Let us help you celebrate your love with a piece that will be cherished for generations to come.

2024-09-05 09:32:06

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