해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth-300 Pack, Reusable Lint-Free Cloth, Bulk Microfiber Cleaning Towels for Home, Microfiber Towels for Car, 5 Colors Assorted (12x12 inches)

상품상태 New    
상품구분 Health & Household / Household Supplies
브랜드 Brand: TEAWOO
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $53.99
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【Package】One pack of 300 pcs microfiber cleaning towels measuring 12 inches by 12 inches. Made of 87% Polyester and 13% polyamide, 200gsm microfiber cloth.【Super Absorbent】They have super absorbency, which allows them to quickly soak up moisture and dry rapidly. These towels can be used in any situation that requires the quick and safe removal of dirt, grime, and liquids.【Soft and Lint-Free, Multi-purpose】he ultra-soft and non-abrasive microfiber cloth ensures a scratch-free cleaning experience on surfaces, paint, glass, and coatings. It effortlessly cleans and dries even the toughest grease and dirt on your kitchen, windows, and car, leaving no traces.【Reusable and Washable】These microfiber cloths can be washed and reused hundreds of times without the concern of shrinking, shedding, or losing their cleaning effectiveness. This not only saves you time and money compared to disposable towels.【Easy Maintenance and Use】Our microfiber towels are randomly shipped in 2 to 5 colors. Unlike other microfiber towels with stiff nylon edges that may scratch surfaces or glass, TEAWOO towels are crafted with high-quality fabric and sewn edges, providing a soft and scratch-free feel.

2024-07-09 13:00:11

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