해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PDP Victrix Pro BFG Wireless Gaming Controller for Xbox Series X|Series S, Xbox One, and Windows 10/11, Dolby Atmos Audio, Remappable Buttons, Customizable Triggers/Paddles/D-Pad, PC App, White

상품번호 B0CQ3NL4QG
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상품가격 $179.99
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Play wirelessly on console using the USB dongle, connect via Bluetooth to compatible devices, or use the included cable to plug in the controller for tournament play and even faster inputsModular design for custom configuration with reversible left module, standard right module, 6-button fight pad module, 4 interchangeable sticks, 3 different D-pads, and 4 gatesLow latency audio and built-in Dolby Atmos with a lifetime subscription for spatial surround sound while gamingPatented Clutch Triggers with 5 trigger stops and hair trigger mode, 4 mappable back buttons, and even more customizations using the free Victrix Control Hub appOfficially licensed by Xbox
Create the ultimate controller for any game using the reversible left module for either an offset Xbox stick configuration, or side-by-side sticks. Fans of fighting games can swap in the Fight Pad module to replace the right stick with standard Xbox buttons. Fit your play style by equipping your favorite D-pad, analog stick caps, or gates all conveniently stored in the included carrying case. With the free Victrix Control Hub app you can map buttons, recalibrate sticks and triggers, adjust deadzones and EQ settings, run diagnostics, update firmware, and more. Using the four mappable back buttons, you can take down ops quickly and efficiently, plus create three button mapping profiles to maximize your speed in any game. Our patented, multi-position Clutch Triggers™ have five trigger stops and hair trigger mode for even faster reactions, and rumble motors and impulse triggers that help you feel what you’re experiencing in-game. With built-in Dolby Atmos and a lifetime subscription, you can access spatial surround sound audio so you can hear your enemies before you see them. Choose how you connect with both wireless and wired connectivity options. Use the included USB dongle or included cable to connect to your console or PC or connect to Bluetooth compatible devices. Experience the new standard in gaming with the officially licensed, Pro BFG Wireless Controller.

2024-07-11 15:50:46

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