해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lamerge Kitchen Tables Set for 4, Rectangular Dining Room Table Set with Bench and Chairs, 4 Pieces Dining Room Table Set with Storage Rack for Small Space, Breakfast Nook and Apartment, Rustic Brown

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상품가격 $159.99
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【Industrial and Modern Style】: Industrial wood-grained board surface and straight lines, with a bright shiny appearance. This dining table set including 1 dining table, 2 chairs and 1 bench, this complete table height dining set is perfect for enjoying delicious food at home with family or friends.【Durable Quality】: The rich wood-grained board table top and durable metal ensure long-lasting durability and strong weight support. The ergonomically designed chair is equipped with a backrest, which can maintain your body support when you lean back, thereby increasing comfort.【Space Saving】: This high-end dining table is compact in design and can meet the daily needs of a family of four. After the meal, you can move the chair under the dining table. Our kitchen table can greatly help you save space. Ideal for small spaces or apartments.【Wide Range of Uses】: The dining table set can be used not only at home, but also in kitchens, restaurants and other commercial places. It has a spacious dining space for you to enjoy dinner, working hours and even afternoon tea. This table set will bring you a happy meal and accompany you, your family and friends.【Easy to Assembly 】: Dining table set comes with detailed instructions. You can complete the installation in a short time. Besides, the smooth nature of the table and chairs make cleaning easier. You can wipe it with a cloth to keep clean.

2024-05-14 17:56:59

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