해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
L'Baiet Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper | 2" King Size | Medium Firm | Plush Soft Cool Pad Cushion for Bed, Sofa, Futon | CertiPUR-US Certified | Fiberglass Free | Safe for Kids and Adults

상품번호 B0CQ8VYZT4
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상품가격 $69.99
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COOLING COMFORT: Mattress topper state-of-the-art cooling technology creates a consistently refreshing and soothing sleep environment, perfect for warm nights. The gel-infused material actively works to dissipate heat, keeping the memory foam mattress topper surface at an ideal temperature for comfortable sleep. This innovative cooling mattress pad design not only enhances your sleep quality but also helps in maintaining a rejuvenating sleep cycle.ADVANCED BODY SUPPORT: King mattress topper unique composition contours to your body shape, providing personalized support. Our mattress topper king size construction helps distribute your weight evenly, significantly reducing pressure on key areas such as the hips, shoulders, and back. The cooling mattress topper is an ideal choice for those seeking relief from discomfort during sleep, enhancing the quality of rest and contributing to a more comfortable, deeper sleep every night.PREMIUM MATERIALS: Made with top-grade materials, medium firm mattress topper is engineered to withstand the test of time, retaining its shape and effectiveness. This long-lasting design means you can enjoy consistent comfort and support without worrying about the king mattress pad sagging or losing its shape. The foam mattress topper is an investment in your comfort that pays off night after night, year after year, for your sleeping space to remain a haven of relaxation and tranquility.EASY MAINTENANCE: Keeping your sleeping area clean and fresh is effortless with our mattress topper king size bed. The king size mattress pad user-friendly design allows for simple, quick wipe-downs, making maintenance a breeze. The surface is designed to repel spills and stains, guaranteeing that the memory foam mattress topper king remains clean with minimal effort. Our king memory foam mattress topper lets you enjoy a pristine sleeping environment at all times!VERSATILE MEMORY FOAM TOPPER: Our firm mattress topper king is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing mattress. Its perfect fit helps bed topper to remain securely in place, providing an invisible yet effective layer of additional comfort. The mattress pad king size design elevates your mattress, adding a layer of softness and support to enhance sleep quality. Mattress toppers perfect blend of style and functionality makes your bed a centerpiece of comfort in your bedroom.

2024-02-13 13:56:13

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