해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Beersbee® Polish Horseshoes Game Set - Outdoor, Backyard, Beach, Tailgating, Camping, Summer Fun, Celebration Flying Disc Target Game - Includes Frisbee, Poles, Bottles, and Carry Bag! Party Games

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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
브랜드 Brand: Beersbee
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $48.99
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THE ORIGINAL BEERSBEE BRAND POLISH HORSESHOES! PLAY ANYWHERE & EVERYWHERE: This portable Polish horseshoes game brings endless fun with friends or family in the backyard, at the beach, camping, competitions in the college, tailgating, celebrations of any kind, BBQs, and more!HOW TO PLAY: Teams of 1-2 players. Take turns attempting to knock your opponent’s bottle off their pole! You must either hit the pole or bottle to score points. You can catch the bottle to avoid points. You must stay behind your pole at all times and not interfere with the frisbee in flight! Teams’ alternate throwing the frisbee until 21 points is reached!QUICK & EASY SETUP: Setup and take down in minutes, so there\'s no fussing and the endless hours of fun can begin! The bag helps keep everything together and it is easy to store and you can take it anywhere with you.WHAT\'S INCLUDED: Comes complete with everything you need! (2) Aluminum telescoping poles with laser engraved score display and branding. (2) High strenth ABS top plates. (2) High strength ABS bottom foot pegs. (2) High strength ABS score display sliders. (1) 175g professional weighted flying disc. (2) Unbreakable weighted bottles. (1) Spacious oversized heavy duty high stength 600D nylon carrying backpack bag.A GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS: Perfect for anyone who loves outdoor fun and recreation! Guaranteed to liven up any celebration, party, or event! And a great incentive to make some fun memories with friends and family!

2024-07-10 03:52:07

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