해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
YAHA Back Brace for Lower Back Pain Relief for Women/Men with Lumbar Pad, Back Support Belt with 7 Stays for Heavy Lifting, Sedentariness, Breathable Lumbar Support for Herniated Disc, Sciatica - M

상품번호 B0CQCMSV29
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상품가격 $36.99
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Find Your Perfect Size: The back brace comes in three sizes, M: waist 33"-39", L: waist 39"-45", XL: waist 45"-51". Prior to confirming your order, be sure to consult the size chart and measurement guide, verifying the chosen size for your waist. If your waist size falls between M and L, please choose size L, and so on.Long-lasting Relief from Lower Back Pain: The back support brace, crafted with metal bionic support rods, offers robust support and effectively alleviates various symptoms like low back pain, arthritis, muscle aches, herniated discs, and sciatica. Embrace a life free from pain.Opt for Strong Support, Combat Scoliosis: YAHA back brace for women/men lower back introduces a new generation of ergonomic design, integrating 5 memory aluminum strips and 2 spring-loaded strips. These elements offer robust support and notably enhance spinal curvature, alleviating pain from muscle tension while maintaining a secure and supported position for your torso.Soft Lumbar Pad: The Lumbar Support Cushion is uniquely contoured to snugly fit your back, offering optimal lower back support and maximizing relief from discomfort. It naturally conforms to the lumbar region, easing pressure and supplying additional support for individuals dealing with lower back pain due to extended periods of work, standing, or sitting.Comfortable and Lightweight: The lumbar support brace utilizes premium breathable mesh fabric, fostering air circulation and heat dissipation. Stay cool whether you\'re lifting weights, playing golf, doing household chores, driving, or gardening.

2024-10-03 03:48:36

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