해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lenovo ThinkCentre M750s SFF Small Form Factor Business Desktop Computer, Intel 16-Core i9-12900 CPU, 64GB DDR4 RAM, 2TB PCIe SSD, WiFi, Bluetooth, Wireless Antenna, Windows 11 Pro, Tichang

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상품가격 $1,269.00
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SFF: At 8.2 Liter, the Lenovo ThinkCentre M750s business SFF desktop computer is identical to the Small form factor PC Thinkcentre M70s.Enterprise-level Performance: The Lenovo ThinkCentre M750s Small form factor desktop with Windows 11 Professional and driven by 12th Gen Intel Core i9-12900, 16C (8P + 8E) / 24T, P-core 2.4 / 5.0GHz, E-core 1.8 / 3.8GHz, 30MB, can be tucked away anywhere, while providing enterprise-level performance.Enhanced Experience: 802.11AC WiFi + Bluetooth; Wireless Antenna; Integrated Intel UHD Graphics 770; 64GB DDR4 RAM, 2TB PCIe SSD; Optical Drive: No. The SFF PC thincentre M750s is designed to grow with your business.Front Ports: 4x USB 3.2 Gen 1, 2x USB 2.0, 1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm); Rear Ports: 1x HDMI, 1x DisplayPort, 1x VGA, 1x Ethernet (RJ-45), 4x USB 2.0.The SFF desktop computer is compact but allowing you to configure it to meet your specific business needs. USB Calliope Keyboard, Black, English; USB Calliope Mouse, Black. Tichang
At 8.2 Liter, the Lenovo ThinkCentre M750s business SFF desktop computer is identical to the Small form factor PC Thinkcentre M70s. Processor 12th Gen Intel Core i9-12900, 16C (8P + 8E) / 24T, P-core 2.4 / 5.0GHz, E-core 1.8 / 3.8GHz, 30MB Graphics Intel UHD Graphics 770 Chipset Intel B660 Chipset Memory 64GB DDR4 RAM Storage 2TB SSD M.2 PCIe NVMe Optical None DESIGN Keyboard USB Calliope Keyboard, Black, English Mouse USB Calliope Mouse, Black Case Color Black Form Factor SFF (8.2L) Dimensions (WxDxH) 275mm x 303mm x 100mm / 10.38" x 11.93" x 3.94" Weight 4.4 kg (9.7 lbs) CONNECTIVITY Ethernet Integrated 100/1000M WLAN + Bluetooth 802.11AC WiFi + Bluetooth Front Ports 4x USB 3.2 Gen 1 2x USB 2.0 1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm) Rear Ports 1x HDMI 1x DisplayPort 1x VGA 1x Ethernet (RJ-45) 4x USB 2.0 SECURITY & PRIVACY Physical Locks Kensington Security Slot

2024-07-11 20:24:35

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