해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Premium Lightweight Manual Fold Electric Wheelchair Travel Ready Portable Power Chair Travel Companion for Seniors and Adults (2 Batteries 30+ Miles Range, Brown)

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상품가격 $1,699.00
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POWERFUL AND ALL TERRAIN: Best in Class real 300W Dual motors enormous torque and power, that will challenge any road type, climb up steep hills and Will Never Fail You on Grass, Ramp, Brick, Muddy, Snow, Bumpy Road. Automatic Wheelchair equipped with electromagnetic brake to ensure safety.LIGHTWEIGHT AND HEAVY DUTY: This Premium Portable Power Wheelchair folds in 3 seconds. It’s Heavy Duty, Super Lightweight and Compact; can fit in most car trunks even the small sedans. Both Side Armrests swing up and footrest fold up for easy entry and exit. This Quality Electric Wheelchair with A 330 lb Weight Capacity And Only Weighs 62 lbs. High Strength Aircraft Quality Aluminum Alloy.EXCELLENT MANUAVER: Only 33 inches turning Radius - Gets around tight areas easily perfect for indoor use, will fit through any door. Excellent steering, the ability to go in all directions with the 360 degree Joystick. The Premium Power Chair will allow you to go into tight spaces that require sensitive turning abilities! Manual mode will allow caregiver to push the mobility scooter wheelchair.SAFE AND COMFORTABLE: Standard Equipped with Seat-Belt and Anti-Tipper Wheels. Powered Mobility Wheel Chair equipped with Front and Back Suspension Springs for a comfortable ride on all surfaces. Premium Breathable Seat and Back Cushions along with side and under storage bags will provide excellent riding experience.TRAVEL READY: Take it with you whether you go on an AIRPLANE, TRAIN, CAR or CRUISE SHIP. The motorized electric wheelchair is airline and cruise approved. You can take it anywhere you go: amusement parks, museums, festivals, and shopping malls.
WHY SHOULD YOU BUY THE FOLD AND TRAVEL FOLDING LIGHTWEIGHT ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR? Experience the ultimate in mobility and comfort with the FT9000 Fold lightweight wheelchair. This lightweight and foldable marvel is designed to redefine your perception of convenience and accessibility. Equipped with remarkable features, this transport wheelchair for seniors is more than just a mode of transport. Electric wheel chair is a revolution in personal mobility. The standard inclusion of a seat belt and anti-tipper ensures your safety is paramount during every journey. But what truly sets this lightweight folding electric wheelchair apart is its Bluetooth Remote Controller, allowing you to effortlessly manage your motorized wheelchair from a distance. With a travel range of over 15 miles on a single full charge, this portable power wheelchair is more than just a short jaunt companion. Foldable electric power wheelchairs for adults is a dependable partner for longer excursions. The inclusion of 2 lithium batteries ensures that you\'re ready to explore without compromise. But that\'s not all. This foldable wheelchair comes at an unbeatable price, making it accessible to those seeking a new level of freedom. Don\'t wait any longer – seize the opportunity to own the FT9000 Foldable electric wheelchair today and experience unparalleled mobility like never before. Your journey to unrestrained movement starts now.

2024-07-09 17:58:05

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