해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wheel Wrench for Wheel Hub Cap Fit for Mercedes Benz AMG c63 c63s e63 Maybach S65 Replace A0005810000 No Damage to Wheel Hub

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브랜드 Brand: LANDSIN
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $15.99
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Precise Compatibility: The wheel hub removal tool engineered to fit a wide range of Mercedes-Benz models including W205 X222 A205 A217 C205 C217 C218 C253, AMG e63 c63 c63s, and Maybach S65, ensuring an exact match for seamless integrationReplaceable Part Number: Designed to replace part number A0005810000, ensuring compatibility and ease of installationHigh-Quality Construction: Crafted from premium-grade ABS plastic, this replacement part boasts exceptional durability, high rigidity, and resistance to deformation, corrosion, and wear, offering a prolonged service lifeEffortless Installation: Designed for straightforward installation, allowing users to easily replace the wheel hub cap without the need for complex tools or processes, saving time and effort
Compatible Models: The wheel hub removal tool designed to perfectly fit Mercedes-Benz W205 X222 A205 A217 C205 C217 C218 C253, AMG e63 c63 c63s, Maybach S65 Replaceable Part Number: A0005810000 Functionality: The wheel hub removal tool engineered for wheel hub maintenance and replacement purposes Premium ABS Material: The wheel hub removal tool crafted from high-strength ABS plastic, ensuring durability, resistance to deformation, corrosion, and an extended lifespan. Protective Feature: This product, made of rigid plastic material, provides an effective shield to prevent scratches or damage to your wheel hub during disassembly, maintaining its original appearance. Specification: Color : Black Material: High-strength ABS plastic, offering resilience against deformation, corrosion resistance, and long-lasting durability Simple Usage Instructions: This replacement part can be easily installed by straightforward replacement, making it user-friendly. Attention: Prior to purchase, ensure to verify the OE number to avoid compatibility issues between the purchased product and your vehicle model.

2024-11-29 19:22:59

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