해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls with Lids Set, Mixing Bowl Set with Clear Lids, Black Metal Mixing Bowls, Nesting Measuring Cup and Spoon Set for Baking & Cooking

상품번호 B0CQM5TV9F
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상품가격 $29.99
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[Silicone Clear Airtight Lid ] Silicone clear lid keep food fresh for longer compared to plastic lids. Meanwhile, lids made of silicone material are safer, heath and less prone to deformation compared to plastic lid. The clear lid let you see what\'s inside without remove the lid.[Measuring Cups and Spoons & Bowl] It makes you easy to measure your favorite wet and dry ingredients perfectly, every time when you use the mixing bowl set. It is stackable, nesting design, which can save space. Stainless steel bowls are clearly engraved with markings for quarts and litres, which meet different measuring needs.[Durable Material & Easy to Clean] Each bowl is made of high quality stainless steel, designed to resist dents and rust. The mixing bowl has a mirror finish on the inside and a fingerprint resistant design on the outside, making it both attractive and practical. The stainless steel material of the mixing bowl is very easy to clean and is dishwasher safe. The bowl is safe to store in the fridge, freezer and preheated oven.[Large Capacity & Nesting Bowls] There are available in 2Q, 2.5Q, 3.5Q, 4Q in a variety of sizes to give your kitchen more flexibility. Stainless steel mixing bowls can also be nested together for easy storage, saving space on your counter or cupboard.[Versatile Kitchen Gadgets] The stainless steel mixing bowl set is perfect for washing vegetables, making salads, creams, pancakes, biscuits, cakes, kneading dough, curing meat and storing. All you need is the lid to seal the bowl tightly, so you can store food in the fridge or take it out for a picnic or barbecue. Ideal for a new home, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother\'s Day or any occasion.

2024-07-11 02:48:24

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