해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Bedlifes 1200 Thread Count Egyptian Cotton Sheets Queen Size Set-100% Cotton Bed Sheets-Luxury Hotel Cooling Sheets-White Sheets Queen-Breathable Soft Smooth-Sateen-16 Deep Pocket-White-Queen

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상품가격 $119.99
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Egyptian CottonAuthentic high quality egyptian cotton:Bedlifes 1200 TC egyptian cotton sheets,using 100% authentic egyptian cotton, stick to high quality material to bring cozy sleeping experience for customersLuxury percale cotton sheets:Bedlifes cotton sheets is made of 1200 TC Sateen egyptian cotton, softer and smoother,which is cooling sheets too;Combed egyptian cotton filters out much of the impurities and dirt in ordinary cotton for long-lived;Our cotton sheets is also breathable and low shrinkage,will never pilling or fadingComfort queen sheets:Bed sheets queen size includes 1 Flat Sheet 90"×102", 1 Fitted Sheet 60"×80" and 2 Pillowcase 20"×30";Our queen size sheets sateen weave for good durability,is thicker than general plain weave and cost more; Sheets is 16” deep pocket design for suiting your bed wellAll consumers suitable:Our bed sheets is ensuring that it is healthy/safe/free of any harmful substances;And it is hypoallergens that suit for all-age and all customers,incuding kids and the elderly;Wash on a gentle laundry cycle,and tumble dry low;Remove immediately after washing and iron at low temperaturePerfect gift and Satisfaction:Our sheets match every bedroom decoration,incuding guest, kids room and vacation home,making it a ultimate gift idea for man and woman in Valentine\'s - Mother\'s - Father\'s-Thinks Giving Day and Christmas;you have any questions,please concern us;We will answer in 24 hours

2025-01-08 04:59:41

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