해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lepro S1 AI LED Strip Lights for Bedroom - 32.8ft Smart Light Strips with IC and Rainbow Chasing Effects, Color Segment DIY, AI Generated Lighting LLM, AI Music Sync, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth RGB Lights

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상품가격 $34.99
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Warm Tips Before Purchase: This S1 AI strip light is only compatible with the Lepro app (not compatible with the "Lepro Lampux" or "Smart Life" app,and not include a remote controller). Additionally, please ensure to purchase as close to your required length as possible, as the strip lights are not cuttable.【Lepro AI LightGPM 2.0】 - Professional Lighting Made Easy. Lepro LightGPM is a large language model trained on color psychology and lighting design knowledge, allowing you to create professional lighting effects without needing to learn these skills yourself.【Advanced Voice Control, Easy to Use】 - The Lepro+ app features an integrated voice assistant, making voice commands a breeze. Lepro AI can do more than just turn the lights on or off and change colors. By simply telling it what you\'re doing and how you feel, it will suggest the perfect lighting effects for you right away.【Rainbow Chasing Effect】 - Different from regular RGB strip lights, magiccolor LED strip lights can display multiple colors at one time, like a rainbow, by adding IC in the light strip. You can choose among a variety of dynamic modes to create a beautiful rainbow chasing effect.【 Billions of Trillion AI-Generated Scenes】 - By recognizing your emotions and voice commands, LightGPM generates up to 10 best lighting effects from billions of trillion potential lighting effect combinations to offer the best professional designs. Whether you\'re hosting a holiday party, seeking relaxation, or immersing in the gaming world, each scene is meticulously crafted for a seamless and immersive lighting experience.【DIY with Inspiration】 - Don’t want AI-generated scenes? It doesn\'t matter! We provide higher user flexibility and intelligent lighting effects, you can customize the color, brightness, and lighting effects of each segment of the S1 light strip. Just unleash your inspiration!【LightBeats Music Sync】 - Experience dynamic lighting that syncs with music rhythms, transforming any space into an energetic and mesmerizing environment for parties or dancing.【AI Generated Lighting by Facial Expression Recognition】 - Capture your mood with a selfie and enjoy customized lighting effects tailored to your emotions. Simply take your selfie or use voice commands on the Lepro+ app to set the mood lighting.【Seamless Control, Anywhere】 Manage multiple devices effortlessly with our "Lepro+" App. Whether you\'re at home or on the go, you can effortlessly turn light strip on/off, adjust brightness, change color temperatures, set timers, and more. As long as your lights are connected to Wi-Fi.【Easy Installation】 - Firmly install the strip lights by sticking the adhesive to any dry, clean surface. Use provided screws and clips for added security. Note: Not recommended for outdoor use as lights are not waterproof.

2024-11-01 00:16:25

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