해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
UTHCLO Glass Ramen Pot Glass Instant Noodle Bowl Necessity Lead-free Noodle Cooker Pot

상품번호 B0CQRR2611
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: UTHCLO
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $41.81
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Glass steaming cup-- suitable for garden party, food party, family gathering, friends gathering or everyday life.Glass casserole dish-- the glass stew pot conducts heat evenly, which is very suitable for slow stewing, and has strong heat storage capacity.Clear pasta instant noodle pot-- non-stick design and smooth surface, easy to clean and handle. both handles can effectively prevent burns.Household stew pot-- made from premium glass material, soup pot can withstand sudden heat and sudden cold.Glass cooking pot-- under high temperature, it will not soften and deform. stable material, , .
Package List 1 x Glass Bowl (with Lid) Characteristics -Color:Transparent kitchenware -Size:22.00X16.50X11.50cm/8.65X6.48X4 multi-functional stewing pot. -Capacity: 1 ramen pot -Material:Glass soup pot with lid -Note: Suitable for microwave, oven, steamer and etc, please not use it with fire stove round casserole dish. - Made from premium glass material, soup pot can withstand sudden heat and sudden cold small pot. - The double handle for easier and more convenient to move. The design is smooth and does not hurt the hand for safe using and cooking oven proof skillet. - Under high temperature, it will not soften and deform. Stable material, , easy to clean home stew pot. - Good texture, perfect details, which can bring you a good experience. Fast heat conduction and slow heat dissipation, effectively reducing the loss of heat glass instant noodle pot. - Suitable for cooking all kinds of food, such as vegetables, pasta, and other delicacies home glass pot. Goods Information glass ramen pot Glass stew pot is a kitchen pot, made of safe material for durable to use.oven proof skillet Also, it can be used at outdoor.home pot Glass stew pot is suitable for people to use.pasta cooker for microwave oven It is perfect for braised chicken, soup and so on.kitchenware You can enjoy a happy cooking time

2024-02-13 09:55:09

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