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Rough Country Power Running Boards with LED Step Lights for Ford F150 Lightning/250/350/Raptor, Crew Cab (2015-2024) - Dual Motor Electric Powerstep Board & Retractable Truck Steps

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6” ALL-SEASON ALUMINUM RUNNING BOARDS: Lightweight and built for year-round durability, these 6” aluminum electric running boards feature dual-motor technology for smooth, reliable deployment and retraction. The textured anti-slip surface ensures a secure, stable step, even in wet or icy conditions.INTEGRATED LED LIGHTING & SAFETY FEATURES: Equipped with integrated LED lights, the running boards illuminates when deployed, enhancing visibility in low-light conditions. The automatic ‘SAFE-STOP’ feature engages if an obstruction is detected, preventing accidents and ensuring safe operation. An interior bypass switch allows for manual override, giving you full control when needed.PROTECTIVE RETRACTED RUNNING BOARDS: When retracted, the running board shields your rocker panel from damage, adding extra protection to your vehicle. With a 660 lb. weight capacity per side, it offers reliable support for both passengers and gear, ensuring strength and durability in every use.EASY NO-DRILL INSTALLATION: Designed for a hassle-free setup, Rough Country running boards & steps installs quickly without the need for drilling. It tucks neatly under the rocker panel, offering a clean, streamlined appearance that enhances your vehicle’s overall look.FIVE YEAR WARRANTY: Rest easy with Rough Country\'s Limited 5-Year Replacement Warranty, ensuring your investment is protected. This warranty provides peace of mind, with prompt service and replacements if needed, reflecting our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Drive confidently knowing Rough Country stands behind its products.
Step up in style.  Sidesteps have come a long way, and now we\'ve taken them to the next level with Rough Country\'s Power Running Boards! These retractable E-Boards tuck tight for a clean look when not in use and automatically extend when the door is opened. With an anti-slip surface that provides a secure stepping area, getting in and out of your ride has never been easier. Our Power Running Boards also include LED lights that provide illumination when deployed and shut off when steps are closed, providing a sleek, aerodynamic look.  Premium Construction. The Rough Country E-Board Steps combine durability, strength, and style. These 6" all-season steps are made from lightweight yet durable aluminum and can support up to 660 lbs per side. Equipped with dual motor technology, these steps can handle anything Mother Nature throws their way. They feature an automatic \'SAFE-STOP\' mechanism that engages if a blockage is detected and include an interior bypass switch for manual override. So whether you\'re heading out on a weekend errand or loading up for a camping trip, our electric steps offer reliable protection for all your adventures. Installation.  These easy-to-install steps are the perfect solution for getting in and out of your vehicle. No drilling is required for installation, and the steps tuck tight under the rocker panel when not in use. Don\'t struggle to get in and out of your vehicle anymore. Make life easier with Rough Country\'s Power Running Boards. Warranty. Rough Country backs its products with a five-year limited warranty. Our products are protected from structural and workmanship damage after purchase. Our industry-leading warranty gives you peace of mind when using Rough Country products!

2025-01-08 16:19:35

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