해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GEEKHOM Oil Spray Bottle, 200ml Stainless Steel Leakproof Oil Dispenser Vinegar Bottle Portable Olive Oil Sprayer for Kitchen Air Fryer Cooking Salad BBQ Baking Roasting

상품번호 B0CQSH8J7D
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【High Quality Material】GEEKHOM oil spray bottle is made of premium stainless steel and thickened lead-free PC, food grade, BPA free, eco-friendly, sturdy and durable. Top of the bottle is made of hard plastic, anit-slip and easy to press.【Upgraded Dual Nozzles】Oil spray bottle is designed with double embedded nozzles which is unique and practical to use. This essential oil sprayer dispenser is lightweight with 200ml large capacity, it meets daily use easily. The PC body is designed with 2 separated parts can hold 2 different kinds of liquid one time.【Multifunctional Oil Sprayer Bottle】This oil sprayer bottle can add various condiments, such as olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, water, perfume, soy sauce, alcohol, etc. Ideal for steak frying, air fryer, cooking, baking, grilling, roasting, salad all others need olive oil or seasonings. The sprayer bottle is a good helper in kitchen.【Easy to use and Clean】Simply fill the sprayer bottle with all kinds of oil or other liquid condiment, then press the nozzle, the oil will be dispensed out. You can the consumption of oil and keep healthy life. Open the lid and rinse with detergent and warm water, shake the bottle a few times, keep it dry and it will be look as good as new.【LIFETIME WARRANTY】: Provides 100% no questions asked money back guarantee. If you\'re not completely satisfied with your oil sprayer bottle , just let us know and you\'ll be offered a FULL refund or replacement!
Cooking with GEEKHOM Oil Sprayer Bottle, keep healthy -The GEEKHOM oil sprayer bottle is made of premium stainless steel and PC material, safe and healthy. -Designed with dual nozzles, convenient and unique. -Widely used: The bottle can be used to fill olive oil, soybean oil, water, sauce, etc. -Easy To Clean And Look As Good As New. -Package includes: 1* Oil Sprayer Bottle 100% RISK FREE GUARANTEE? If you for any reason are not happy with any product by GEEKHOM, please do not hesitate to contact us and will do our best to solve all problems you meet asap! We will give you a full refund no questions asked. Note: Note: Oil with more impurities (example: peanut oil) is easy to block the oil pipe, resulting in spraying no oil or can not be atomized, higher purity of oil is recommended.. CLICK the " Add to Cart " button at the top of the page to place the order NOW. The GEEKHOM will improve your cooking RIGHT AWAY!

2024-07-10 19:23:59

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