해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Axelrod 6PCS Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, Post Surgery Foam for Back, Neck & Leg Pain Relief Comfortable & Adjustable Ortho Pillows- Anti Snoring, Heartburn, Acid Reflux & GERD Sleeping Indigo

상품번호 B0CQVBLX58
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상품가격 $99.99
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【COMFORT FIRST】: Everyone has a different neck or back position preference while falling asleep. Our versatile bed wedge pillow can provide multiple Angle variations to allow any head to get the right amount of pressure.【PREMIUM MATERIAL】: Each wedge pillow set features high-density foam and a firm foam base to provide proper support and comfort. The microvelvet cover is very comfortable and breathable.【HELPFUL FOR SURGERY RECOVERY】: Post-surgery bed wedge pillows support your neck, shoulders, legs, and back while sleeping to relieve pain and promote blood circulation, reducing sleep snoring and stomach acid reflux problems.【SKIN-FRIENDLY WEDGE COVER】: Outer cover is made of microvelvet fabric with an easily removable zip, soft, breathable, and machine washable! Take the best wedge pillow for bed right now!【LUXURIOUS PRESENT SUGGESTION】: If you are seeking an outstanding option with a life-enhancing factor, you would appreciate our foam sit-up pillow for bed. You can use it in the bed or on the couch without sliding down. It can be positioned vertically against the headboard to read, watch, and relax in bed.

2024-06-03 16:58:51

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