해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hearth Wood Stove Catalytic Combustor Replacement for Dutchwest-2460 2461 2462 Englander Dovre Stove,6"x2"Ceramic Hearth Combustor for Longer Burn Time Save 1/3 Firewood Activate Higher Temp

상품번호 B0CQX86BVH
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Heating, Cooling & Air Quality
브랜드 Brand: CLLOMAGY
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Top High Quality: Our ceramic wood stove catalytic combustors for Dutchwest Englander is with cells per Inch - 25 CPSI ceramic and 50 CSPI metal for long burning heating time. Perfect replacement hearth catalytic combustors for Vermont Castings stove.Compatible with: The 6"x2" Round Ceramic Wood Stove Catalytic for Dutchwest 2461 2460 2462 FA224 FA264 FA288 2169 2170 + Englander 28CC/28IC/28JC (Before 1989) AND 18PC/22PIC and 24FC (1989-1992) + Dovre All Models After 1991.More model details pls see below description.More sleep without adding wood:Don\'t worry about running out of wood at night,the hearth wood stove catalytic converter allows up to 8 hours longer overnight burns without refueling the wood catalytic stove.Save Fire Woods:our wood stove catalytic converter provides a 1/3 wood usage savings, generating more heat with burning less fire wood,because the catalytic stove with a hearth catalytic combustor that converts smoke from burning wood into heat.Keep air more cleaner:the fireplace catalytic combustor secondary burns 75% harmful wood stove output, keeping the air more cleaner and fresh and human healthy.Warm tips:Be sure you order the correct model for your wood catalytic stove.Pls watch the YouTube videos and read the online instruction thoroughly before you install this wood stove catalytic diverter.Designed for dry wood ONLY! If wood is with much water moisture will affect stove catalytic combustor replacement life and performance.

2025-01-12 10:33:33

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