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Creality Resin 3D Printer Halot-Mage, 8K Resolution Outperforms 12K Print Detail 10.3" Monochrome LCD UV Photocuring Larger Resin Printer with High-Precision Integral Light Fast Print Dual Z-axis Rail

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상품가격 $289.00
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【Larger Printing Size】Halot-Mage Resin 3D Printer features a large 10.3" LCD screen for a 228x128x230mm/8.97x5.03x9.05 inch build volume, about 45% larger than an 8.9" resin printer, which leaves sufficient printing space and freedom for you to make any shapes of 3d models.【Ultra 8K High Precision】Halot-Mage 3D Resin Printer adopts 8K mono LCD brags 33,177,600 pixels and 29.7μm XY resolution, a huge leap from the 50μm of regular 4K. Hair, fabric, skin textures, and organic shapes all come to life. Halot Mage\'s 8K printing details are more competitive than other 12K resin 3D printer.【High-precision Integral Light Source】Creality Halot-Mage Resin 3D Printers self-developed integrated light source, 5000±10%μW/cm² light intensity, so that the light intensity distribution of the entire screen is uniform. Curing a layer Only needs 1-5s with standard 405nm resin, which can significantly improve the printing efficiency while maximizing model detail.【Unique Orange "MageArch" Flip Lid】The flip lid of Halot-Mage is easy to open and close with one hand and needless to place aside. The orange transparent cover is practical to block 99.89% of ambient UV light for minimal interference, making it safe and convenient for beginners and kids.【Odor-free Printing Environment】Built-in activated carbon filter which is 5.8 times larger than other filters can effectively absorb and filter resinous odor and pungent fumes, creating an odor-free fresh printing environment. A vent hole is at its back to connect a vent tube.【Wider Choice & Better Slicing】The self-developed halot box adopts an intuitive 4-stage workflow and includes many presets. With Halot-mage resin 3d printer, you will get a 3-month VIP of Chitubox Pro for free. CHITUBOX Basic has released a version compatible with Halot-mage, now there are more options for slicing software.【Creality Official Service】Creality provides 12-month after-sales service for the creality 3d printer. If you have any question or need support about the product, Please contact me via Amazon, we will respond with 24 hours.

2024-05-15 15:06:36

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