해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DOSS SoundBox XL Bluetooth Speaker with Subwoofer, 32W Loud Sound with Booming Bass, Dual DSP Technologies, 10H Playtime, USB-C, TWS, 2.1 Sound Channel Home Speaker for Indoor, and Office-Blue

상품번호 B0CR13F42B
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상품가격 $89.99
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Resonant Acoustics Design: The exceptional acoustic design of these speakers optimizes the diaphragm area within a sealed structure to deliver powerful bass. Moreover, it reduces driver excursion while maintaining sound pressure, resulting in less distortion and a more defined and accurate sound.Expansive soundstage: Experience your preferred music spread evenly and accurately throughout the space. DOSS SoundBox XL speaker is equipped with advanced super Neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) full-range drivers with wide directionality to offer a wide soundstage. Dynamic sound is reproduced precisely across a wide frequency range, so you can even more easily sense the positioning of instruments and feel more immersive and lifelike.Precise Acoustic Tuning: Dual advanced DSP technologies are specially engineered to provide a superior transient response and impressive ample bass with lower harmonic distortion. With an ultra-wide frequency range spanning from 50 Hz to 20 kHz, this speaker is capable of reproducing dynamic sound that accurately captures the nuances and intricacies of any song.32W Impressive Sound: Enhanced with dual 10W 2-in full-range drivers, a 12W 3-in subwoofer, and dual DSP technologies, this DOSS SoundBox XL speaker delivers a high-quality, room-filling sound with rich bass, tight mids, and crystal clear highs. Saturate a large room with incredible sound at a loud volume.Booming Bass: Powered by a 12W subwoofer and dual passive radiators, the DOSS SoundBox XL phone speaker boosts more low-end frequencies for deeper, richer bass. Feel and hear the beat around you with heavy bass with less distortion.

2024-06-05 11:24:52

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