해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
72" Kitchen Pantry Cabinet with Microwave Stand, Freestanding Storage Cabinet with Shelves, Drawers and Doors for Kitchen, Dining Room and Living Room, Blue

상품번호 B0CR1CM722
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상품가격 $159.99
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[LARGE STORAGE SPACE] This classical kitchen storage cabinet has 4 enclosed cupboard cabinets, 1 central drawer, 1 open shelf and 1 central open countertop, which provides an adequate space for organizing your storage. The transparent framed tempered glass doors at top enable you to clearly display your items and can also be used to show off collections.[MULTIFUNCTIONAL CABINET DESIGN] With a cut out in the backboard for plug, small kitchen appliances such as microwave, coffee maker and toaster can be placed on the contertop easily. This kitchen pantry storage cabinet has adjustable inner shelves, which allows you to design the inner space in your own way.[UPGRADED MATERIAL] This premium pantry storage cabinet has upgraded metal hinges that offer high performance in terms of resistance and flexibility over magnetic latches. The hinges can be adjusted slightly during assembly to align the two doors with each other. The non-toxic engineered wood in blue finish adds a modern design to this kitchen hutch cabinet, the smooth surface is easily cleaned by wiping it with a damp cloth.[SAFE DESIGN] For your safety concern, we have the anti-toppling kit included to secure this kitchen pantry buffet hutch at back to the wall. The reinforced construction with high-grade materials is sure to provide you with a safer experience, resulting in better load-bearing capacity. The center drawer in the middle is designed to slide quietly and smoothly with a safety stop mechanism, so you won\'t pull it out completely. You can safely store utensils like forks and knives inside.[DIMENSIONS] Overall size of kitchen pantry cabinet: 31.5\'\'W x 15.7\'\'D x 71.7\'\'H. Drawer size: 27.9\'\'W x 12.7\'\'D x 4.4\'\'H. Countertop size: 31.5\'\'W x 15.1\'\'D. Countertop height from ground: 32.2\'\'. Shelf weight capacity: 70lbs/100lbs. Countertop weight capacity: 320lbs. Drawer weight capacity: 45lbs.

2024-06-11 08:15:18

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