해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Twin Size Upholstered Princess Bed, Platform Bed Frame with Adjustable Crown Shaped Headboard and LED Lights, Fun Cute Bed Princess Bed for Kids, Bedroom Furniture Upholstered Bed (White + Pink)

상품번호 B0CR2TCB3J
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: YSWH
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $159.99
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?[Cute Crown Design] - The enchanting upholstered princess bed showcases a headboard intricately adorned with a captivating crown shape, adding an irresistible charm to any bedroom. With its integrated LED lights, this bed allows you to effortlessly infuse uniqueness into your home. Its whimsical design is guaranteed to capture the hearts of girls, bringing their dreams to life. This delightful feature serves as a playful focal point, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the room.?[Sturdy Construction] - Engineered for enduring durability, this PU leather upholstered bed is exquisitely crafted using superior materials, including plywood, MDF, and reinforced with metal feet. These top-notch components ensure unrivaled strength and stability, fashioning a solid and unwavering sleeping platform. The bed is upholstered in skin-friendly fabric that is breathable and resistant to wear, offering comfortable support for reading or lounging in bed.?[Multifunctional] - We meticulously craft our bed frames to meet your individual needs, ensuring they provide the desired functionality you seek. The standout feature of this particular bed is its captivating crown-shaped headboard. The LED lights offer a multitude of color options, creating a romantic ambiance for a comfortable and restful night\'s sleep. Additionally, the height of the bed\'s head can be adjusted in two levels, allowing for further customization and personalized comfort.?[Safety & Stability] - This bed boasts a plush upholstered backrest that offers a luxurious and cozy experience, while also providing ample protection and support for your body. The wide boards, strong slats, and legs greatly enhance the weight capacity and overall stability of the bed. With a Velcro slats design, the installation process of the slats is simplified, ensuring stability between slats and the foundation, effectively eliminating any potential friction noise caused by movement.?[More Details] - With dimensions of 77.2\'\'L x 42.9\'\'W x 52.8\'\'- 55.2\'\'H, this bed frame includes all the necessary accessories and detailed installation instructions, making the assembly process hassle-free. We take pride in offering exceptional after-sales service, and our friendly customer service team is always available to address any inquiries or concerns you may have. Rest assured, we are fully committed to providing a seamless and satisfying experience for our valued customers.
Weight & Dimensions: Overall Product Dimension: 77.2\'\'L x 42.9\'\'W x 52.8\'\'- 55.2\'\'H Detail Product Dimension: Please refer to the Size image Number of Package: 1 Package Dimension: Please refer to the Specification Overall Product Weight: 61 lbs Package Weight: Please refer to the Specification Weight Capability: 350 lbs Recommend Mattress Thickness: 8\'\'- 10\'\' Specifications: Product Type: Upholstered Platform Bed Function: Princess Bed, LED Lights, Crown Shaped Headboard, Adjustable Headboard, Velcro Slats Design Product Material: MDF + Plywood + PU + Metal Size: Twin Color: White/ White + Pink Number of Bed Slats: 12 LED Light Power Cord Length: 78.7\'\' Box Spring Required: No Assembly Required: Yes Product Warranty: 1 year

2024-07-10 18:41:28

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