해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Presentation Clicker Wireless, 2-in-1 USB/Type C Rechargeable Presenter Remote Control for PowerPoint, PPT Clicker Red Laser Pointer, Slide Advancer RF2.4GHz (Red Light, USB C Rechargeable)

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【2-in-1 DUAL HEAD PRESENTATION CLICKER】Considering the increasingly thin laptops with only USB c ports, and eliminating the need for multiple adapters, this wireless presenter supports both USB and TYPE C interface, making it compatible with a wide range of devices, including laptops, PC and tablets. It is compatible with system like Windows 2003/XP/ Vista 7-11, Mac OS, Linux, Android, Software like PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, Google Slides, etc.. Whatever devices, go with this PPT laser pointer【100FT LONG RANGE REMOTE CONTROL & 656FT LASER DISPLAY RANGE】RF 2.4G upgrade chip enables an outstanding performance. With this USB dongle slide show advancer you are not tied to computer, instead, you can move around and interact better with your audience. The bright red laser pointer will draw your audience\'s attention easily, and highlight the key points in your slides clearly even in a vast dark room. (Not recommended for TV/LED/LCD screen)【PLUG AND PLAY & SILICONE BUTTONS】 No need to install any drivers. Just plug and play. The USB receiver is stored in the PowerPoint clicker and it easily snaps into the clicker bottom. The PowerPoint remote supports volume control, window switching, full/ black screen, page up/ down. Just one button one function. The soft silicone buttons are designed with optimized layouts.There are no noisy press sounds and sticky buttons【RECHARGEABLE & ERGONOMIC DEISGN 】 The presentation clicker pointer is an on-the-go device, compact and lightweight, only 55g. So It is easy to carry and use around, making it ideal for presentations, meetings, classrooms, and other events. The PPT pointer is equipped with a build-in rechargeable battery. Simply charged 2h with the fast charging cable, it can run more than 10h. It is definitely an office or classroom must haves【OTHER FUNCTIONS & PACKAGE CONTENTS】PowerPoint presenter can give low power reminder, open hyperlink etc.,and even at your leisure time, it can be an interaction toy with your pet. Package: presenter clicker with USB A+C receiver x 1, user manual x 1, USB charge cable x 1. Should you have any question or lose the USB receiver, simply contact us

2024-04-04 18:45:39

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