해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pink for iPhone 15 Pro Max Case Magsafe with Ring Stand, Magnetic 15 Pro Max Case Pink with Full Lens Camera Protection, Anti-Scratch, Shockproof for iPhone 15 Pro Max Case Kickstand Pink

상품번호 B0CR3S363C
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Cases, Holsters & Sleeves
브랜드 Brand: MEPUSON
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $25.99
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?【Pink For Iphone 15 Pro Max Case Magsafe Durability & Versatility】Designed for iphone 15 pro max magsafe case pink has unique full-lens protection, foldable phone stand and strong magnetic function. And for iphone 15 pro max case with stand with a soft TPU frame and scratch-resistant PC backplane,this case for iphone 15 pro max case camera protection is highly protected from violent shocks and drops. Unique 3d metal buttons, make your mobile phone look more stylish and luxurious, bring you a new experience.?【For Iphone 15 Pro Max Magsafe Case with 360° Full Lens Protection】Design for iphone 15 pro max case camera protection is made of high-hardness plexiglass, which is not easy to scratch or break. The camera lens is equipped with 8K HD tempered glass which can effectively prevent hand sweat, fingerprints, stains, etc. This case for iphone 15 pro max case kickstand can perfectly protect your mobile phone camera lens and always keep the clearest photos.?【For Iphone 15 Pro Max Magsafe Case with Magnetic Ring Stand】MEPUSON designed for iphone 15 pro max case with ring incorporates an innovative invisible stand design with magnetic and mobile phone stand function. The magnetic ring holder is embedded in this 15 pro max magsafe case pink, not easy to fall off and very firm, adjustable angle gives you flexibility for best viewing angle, enjoy every moment of viewing!?【For Iphone 15 Pro Max Magsafe Case with High Quality Magnetism】The case for iphone 15 pro max case with stand uses an upgraded N52 strong magnetic, with superior magnetic and adsorption power, provide a hassle-free wireless charging experience that is not easy to slip off even on bumpy roads. For iphone 15 pro max case camera protection compatible with most accessories (wireless charger, magnetic car mounts, magnetic battery packs, magnetic wallet, etc.), the powerful magnets fit perfectly with this 15 pro max case with ring and greatly enhance your driving experience.✔️【For Iphone 15 Pro Max Magsafe Case with Multi-Functional】MEPUSON for iphone 15 pro max case kickstand uses high-quality TPU material, comfortable and skin-friendly, wear-resistant and anti-fingerprint. Built-in honeycomb heat sink to help the phone heat. The dust-proof design for iphone 15 pro max case with stand at the bottom can effectively block dust and rain, increasing the durability of the phone. The case for iphone 15 pro max case camera protection also reserves card pin space and auxiliary card space, which is convenient for you to change your mobile phone card at any time. Truly light, fashion, practical in one.

2024-09-30 12:58:50

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