해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
InSinkErator EVOLUTION 0.75HP 3/4 HP & Garbage Disposal EZ Connect 3-Foot Power Cord for EZ Connect Power and Advanced Series Continuous Feed Food Waste Disposer Models, CRD-EZ

상품번호 B0CR9WJXX9
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상품가격 $252.35
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Product 1: INSINKERATOR EVOLUTION .75HP 3/4 HP GARBAGE DISPOSAL: 12.25-inch T x 8.25-inch W disposal with EZ Connect Hardwire Adapter, garbage disposal flange, gaskets, etc., for install, plus wrench and kitchen drain stopper; EZ Connect Power Cord sold separatelyProduct 1: ADVANCED GRIND: Sink disposal with 3-Stage MultiGrind technology designed to prevent clogs by grinding tough food scraps the finest; 3/4 HP Dura-Drive induction motor and stainless steel grind components; removable Quiet Collar sink baffleProduct 1: DIY EZ CONNECT SINK GARBAGE DISPOSAL: USA-assembled kitchen appliance with EZ Connect Hardwire Adapter, EZ Grip Handles, EZ Removable Dishwasher Inlet Plug, and Lift and Latch technology for easiest installation of an InSinkErator food waste disposerProduct 1: QUIET AND COMPACT: Garbage disposer with Quiet SoundSeal technology for quieter operation than standard disposals; space-saving design that easily fits under sink, leaving room for other small kitchen appliances, like an instant hot water dispenserProduct 2: Voltage : 28.0 voltsProduct 2: Connector gender : Female-to-MaleProduct 2: Input current : 15.0 ampsProduct 2: Is ul listed : True

2024-10-31 17:05:15

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