해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Magnetic Stirrer, 2000rpm Hot Plate Mixer with Magnetic Stir Bar 1000mL Stirring Capacity Adjustable Speed Lab Magnetic Mixer, 250W Heating Power Digital Display Temperature Probe Support Stand

상품번호 B0CR9XGWM1
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상품구분 Industrial & Scientific / Lab & Scientific Products
브랜드 Brand: LETRA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $43.99
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Stir with Heat Boost: Effortlessly stir up to 1000 mL of liquids with our magnetic stirrer, which is tailored to meet diverse liquid mixing demands of research facilities, pharmaceutical factories,school labs, and more.Rapid Heating:Equipped with 250W of heating power,this magnetic stirrer hot plate can quickly heat liquids up to 220℉.Its 304 stainless steel build ensures not only efficient heat conduction but also superior resistance against corrosion and wear.Safe Use & Intuitive Controls: This magnetic mixer features overheating protection and an easy to use LCD control panel which is positioned away from the hotplate, allowing lasting safe operation regardless of your task.Powerful Stirring:Take control of your stirring process with a speed range from 0 to 2000 rpm.The PTFE-coated magnetic stir bar comes included to ensure consistent stirring and efficient every time.Effortless Setup: The adjustable support stand easily installs onto your magnetic stirrer and tightly secures the temperature sensor or other meters at whatever height you need.
Say hello to your precision lab partner—Magnetic Stirrer. With its powerful motor, this magnetic mixer with magnetic stir bar effortlessly blends up to 1000mL of your mixtures. The stainless steel hotplate ensures rapid, uniform heating reaching temperatures up to 220℉, all while providing peace of mind with its built in overheating protection. The clear control panel makes it easy to adjust the speed from 0 to 2000 rpm, so you can find that perfect whirl for your solutions. Perfect for scientific research, educational labs, industrial applications, and beyond, this magnetic stirrer hot plate is your all-in-one solution!

2024-04-04 18:51:49

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