해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NEWTON Motion Golf Driver Shaft for PING Drivers - All Swing Speeds, Maximize Ball Speed, Smoother Swings, Kinetic Storage, Symmetry360 Design, Tailored Bend for Effortless Play

상품번호 B0CRC691PD
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Hand Orientation

상품가격 $250.00
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?????????? ????? & ?????? ??????: NEWTON’s golf shafts are equipped with elongated bend profiles, allowing for a wider arc of flex across the shaft. This technology ensures a smoother swing, increased speed, and a sensation of effortless power, leading to straighter and longer drives.??????? ?????? ????????: Our golf driver shafts’ exclusive Kinetic Storage Construction serves as an energy reservoir, allowing the shaft to store and release power more effectively. This innovative design results in increased ball speed through efficient energy transfer during the stroke.?????????? ???? ??? ???????????: The Symmetry360 design of this golf shaft for drivers offers consistent performance from all angles, ensuring a uniform feel with every stroke. This unique construction eliminates the variability, resulting in improved accuracy and distance on the golf course.?????????? ??????????? ??? ????? ????? ?????: This golf clubs long shaft offers customized flexibility tailored to every swing speed, ensuring optimal performance for golfers of all experience levels. Whether your movement is slow and steady or fast and powerful, this shaft adapts to your style.?????-??-???? ???? ???????? ?????: Our golf driver shafts come equipped with a driver adapter and grip, ensuring they\'re ready for immediate use straight out of the box. This complete setup offers hassle-free upgrades, allowing you to experience enhanced performance without the need for additional adjustments or installations.

2024-06-11 16:38:44

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