해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ASUS 15.6” Vivobook Go Laptop, Intel Dual Core N4500, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD, Windows 11 in S Mode, Star Black, L510KA-ES04

상품번호 B0CRDCW3Q3
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상품가격 $215.00
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WINDOWS 11 HOME IN S MODE — All the power of Windows 10 with enhanced security and performance with a redesigned look — complete with new tools, sounds, and apps exclusively from Microsoft. Every detail has been considered, coming together to bring you a refreshing experience on your PC.15.6” FHD DISPLAY — 1920 x 1080 60Hz display brings beautiful visuals to life with 220 nits peak brightness.INTEL CELERON N4500 PROCESSOR — The newest Intel Celeron processors offer amazing video conferencing abilities, faster wireless connectivity, improved overall application and graphics performance, and long battery life. Experience unmatched balance of performance, experience, and value for education and entry level computing.INTEL HD GRAPHICS — Intel HD Graphics provides basic to moderate graphical performance for a variety of computing tasks, including multimedia playback, web browsing, and light gaming.4GB DDR4 MEMORY — To run apps, tabs, and everything else you need.128GB eMMC STORAGE — Gives you essential storage for all your files and apps.WI-FI AND BLUETOOTH — Wi-Fi 5(802.11ac) (Dual band) 1 1 + Bluetooth 5.1 Wireless CardAUDIO BY SONICMASTER — Indulge your senses in powerful, crystal-clear sound. Next-gen Super Linear speakers, personalized with the Smart Amplifier and ASUS Audio Booster, are 2x louder.42WH BATTERY — Keep your stress levels low with an all-day battery, equipped with Fast-Charge technology that gets you to 60 percent in just 49 minutes, all through its versatile USB-C Easy port.ADDITIONAL FEATURES — ErgoSense backlit chiclet keyboard, 720p HD camera with shutter

2024-11-30 08:52:24

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